Results for 'Mimma Bresciani Califano'

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    Memoria: vagabondaggi cognitivi.Mimma Bresciani Califano (ed.) - 2008 - Firenze: L.S. Olschki.
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  2. Paradossi e disarmonie nelle scienze e nelle arti.Mimma Bresciani Califano (ed.) - 2008 - Firenze: L. S. Olschki.
  3. Edited volumes-moDelli E stili di conoscenza nella scienza E nell'arte Del novecento.Mimma Bresciani Califano - 2000 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 22 (3):449.
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    Fascist ideas, practices and networks of ‘Empire’: Rethinking Interwar Italy as post-Habsburg history (1918–1938).Marco Bresciani - 2024 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 50 (4):584-596.
    This chapter relates post-1918 Italy to the collapse of the Habsburg Empire and the ascent of the successor states, and analyses, from the Trieste’s vantage point, fascist projects, practices and networks of ‘empire’ in the Adriatic Sea, in Mitteleuropa and in the Balkans between 1918 and 1938. It focuses on three connected aspects. Firstly, the northern Adriatic was the first setting of the ascent of squadrismo, a model of violent action against ‘enemies within’ then replicated elsewhere. Secondly, Italian nationalism and (...)
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    O charme da ciência e a sedução da objetividade: Oliveira Vianna entre intérpretes do Brasil.Maria Stella Martins Bresciani - 2005 - São Paulo: Editora UNESP.
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    Il finanziamento della ricerca scientifica di base.Salvatore Califano - 2002 - Rivista di Filosofia 93 (2):211-226.
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    Predictive Values of Early Parental Loss and Psychopathological Risk for Physical Problems in Early Adolescents.Mimma Tafà, Luca Cerniglia, Silvia Cimino, Giulia Ballarotto, Eleonora Marzilli & Renata Tambelli - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    The collaborative dimensions of argument maps: A socio-visual approach.Sabrina Bresciani & Martin J. Eppler - 2018 - Semiotica 2018 (220):199-216.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Semiotica Jahrgang: 2018 Heft: 220 Seiten: 199-216.
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    Personalismo e morale sessuale: aspetti teologici e psicologici.Carlo Bresciani - 1983 - Roma: Piemme.
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    Modernization and Human Values.Joseph J. Califano - 1988 - Maritain Studies/Etudes Maritainiennes 4:159-167.
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    Anisotropy in extruded lanthanum borogermanate glasses? Structural study by Raman spectroscopy.V. Califano, B. Champagnon, E. Fanelli, P. Pernice, V. Sigaev, D. Zakharkin, V. Sakharov & P. Baskov - 2004 - Philosophical Magazine 84 (13-16):1639-1644.
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  12. Pharmacogenetics: Ethical issues and policy options.Allen E. Buchanan, Andrea Califano, Jeffrey Kahn, Elizabeth McPherson, John A. Robertson & Baruch A. Brody - 2002 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 12 (1):1-15.
    : Pharmacogenetics offers the prospect of an era of safer and more effective drugs, as well as more individualized use of drug therapies. Before the benefits of pharmacogenetics can be realized, the ethical issues that arise in research and clinical application of pharmacogenetic technologies must be addressed. The ethical issues raised by pharmacogenetics can be addressed under six headings: regulatory oversight, confidentiality and privacy, informed consent, availability of drugs, access, and clinicians' changing responsibilities in the era of pharmacogenetic medicine. We (...)
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    Socialism, Antifascism and Anti-Totalitarianism: The Intellectual Dialogue (and Discord) between Andrea Caffi and Nicola Chiaromonte. [REVIEW]Marco Bresciani - 2014 - History of European Ideas 40 (7):984-1003.
    This article reconstructs the personal and intellectual friendship between two cosmopolitan intellectuals: Andrea Caffi and Nicola Chiaromonte , who met while in exile in Paris in 1932. After a brief recapitulation of their previous biographies, and an overall presentation of their participation in the revolutionary antifascist group ‘Giustizia e Libertà’ in the thirties, this article provides a detailed analysis of their dialogues and disagreements in the forties and fifties on the topics of socialism and revolution, antifascism and anti-totalitarianism, utopia and (...)
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    Two historians in front of the economic crisis of 2007-2008: Hobsbawm and Judt between Marxism and the legacies of 20th century. [REVIEW]Marco Bresciani - 2016 - Filozofija I Društvo 27 (1):158-170.
    How did intellectuals react to the economic crisis of 2007-2008 and its long-term backlash? What did they learn from the main twentieth-century political and social experiences, in order to make a new sense of the traditional cultures of the Left? In order to answer these crucial issues, this proposal will analyze the paths of the well-known historians E. Hobsbawm and T. Judt and their apparently similar, but actually different reactions to the crisis. First, I will focus on their respective books: (...)
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    Lo sviluppo delle scienze chimiche nel mondo moderno ed il suo significato etico sociale.S. Califano - 1989 - Global Bioethics 2 (3):33-43.
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    La nascita della meccanica quantistica.S. Califano - 2018 - Firenze, Italy: Firenze University Press. Edited by Vincenzo Schettino.
    La meccanica quantistica ha costituito una grande rivoluzione scientifica e culturale che ha cambiato profondamente il nostro approccio allo studio del mondo microscopico e subatomico. La nascita e l’evoluzione delle teorie della meccanica quantistica sono rivissute attraverso la storia personale e scientifica dei protagonisti, i loro tentativi e le loro ipotesi di lavoro, le scoperte, i dubbi, le discussioni. I concetti sostanzialmente controintuitivi della nuova meccanica hanno ridisegnato il significato della nostra conoscenza del mondo degli atomi; una particolare attenzione è (...)
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    Before Darwin. [REVIEW]Joseph J. Califano - 2007 - Review of Metaphysics 60 (3):693-694.
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    Before Darwin. [REVIEW]Joseph J. Califano - 2007 - Review of Metaphysics 60 (4):887-889.
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    UV nanosecond laser-induced birefringence in LBG glasses.D. Vouagner, C. Coussa, V. Califano, C. Martinet, B. Champagnon & V. Sigaev - 2007 - Philosophical Magazine 87 (3-5):535-542.
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    A Critique of the New Natural Law Theory by Russell Hittinger. [REVIEW]Joseph J. Califano - 1989 - The Thomist 53 (2):343-345.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:BOOK REVIEWS 348 A Critique of the New Natural Law Theory. By RussELL RITTINGER. Notre Dame, Indiana: University of Notre Dame Press, 1987. Pp. vi +232. $26.95. Dr. Hittinger's book causes us to remember how genuinely delicate and refined is the balance between reason and faith in St. Thomas' view of human knowledge and its relationship to reality. This enabled St. Thomas to develop with discernment his notion of (...)
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    Influence of the Size of the Field of View on Visual Perception While Running in a Treadmill-Mediated Virtual Environment.Martina Caramenti, Paolo Pretto, Claudio L. Lafortuna, Jean-Pierre Bresciani & Amandine Dubois - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  22. Storia del Pensiero Filosofico e Scientifico - 8° vol.Ludovico Geymonat, Carlo Becchi, Enrico Bellone, Francesco Bertola, Giovanni Boniolo, Umberto Bottazzini, Salvatore Califano, Mauro Ceruti, Gilberto Corbellini, Roberto Cordeschi, Alessandra Gliozzi, Felice Ippolito, Gabriele Lolli, Alberto Oliverio, Bianca Oscurati & Corrado Mangione - 1996 - Garzanti.
  23. al-Taḍlīl wa-al-taḥrīf fī kitāb iḥyāʼ ʻulūm al-dīn li-Abī Ḥāmid al-Ghazālī: qirāʼah naqdīyah li-kitāb Iḥyāʼ ʻulūm al-dīn takshif jāniban kabīran mimma taḍammanahu al-kitāb min taḍlīlāt wa-taḥrīfāt.Khālid Kabīr ʻAllāl - 2019 - ʻAmmān: al-Warrāq lil-Nashr wa-al-Tawzīʻ. Edited by Ghazzālī.
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    Tahdīm al-arkān min laysa fī al-imkān abdaʻ mimmā kān: wa-yalīhi Tathbīt qawāʻid al-arkān bi-an laysa fī al-imkān abdaʻ mimmā kān, wa-huwa min awthaq al-masāʻī fī al-radd ʻalá al-Biqāʻī.Ibrāhīm ibn ʻUmar Biqāʻī - 2019 - Bayrūt: Dār al-Kutub al-ʻIlmīyah.
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  25. Aspetti e momenti della filosofia italiana contemporanea: Bonatelli, Varisco, Tredici: atti del Convegno sui filosofi bresciani, 1-3 aprile 1982.Romeo Crippa (ed.) - 1982 - Brescia: Ateneo di Brescia, Accademia di scienze lettere ed arti.
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    Greece and Persia - Hermann Bengtson, Edda Bresciani, Werner Caskel, Maurice Meuleau, Morton Smith: The Greeks and the Persians. Pp. 486; 37 plates, 8 maps. London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1969. Cloth, 70 s.[REVIEW]N. G. L. Hammond - 1970 - The Classical Review 20 (03):368-371.
  27. Aspetti e momenti della filosofia italiana contemporanea: Bonatelli, Varisco, Tredici: atti del Convegno sui filosofi bresciani, 1-3 aprile 1982.Francesco Bonatelli, Bernardino Varisco, Giacinto Tredici & Romeo Crippa (eds.) - 1982 - Brescia: Ateneo di Brescia, Accademia di scienze lettere ed arti.
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    A Auto-Organização No Círio de Nazaré.Antonio Sérgio Nunes - 2023 - Complexitas – Revista de Filosofia Temática 7 (2).
    Comentaremos neste trabalho sobre o ecossistema do Círio de Nazaré, com base na Teoria dos Sistemas Complexos, para isso utilizarei quatro autores relevantes, Edgar Morin (2018), Ettore Bresciani Filho (2008), Eunice Quilici Gonzalez (1998) e Michael Debrun (1998), sobre os conceitos de sistemas, sistemas complexos, organização, auto-organização e atratores. No livro Introdução ao Pensamento Complexo de Edgar Morin (2008), o autor discute as noções de complexidade, sistemas, organização e auto-organização. Trabalharemos os primeiros capítulos do livro, utilizando-o como base para (...)
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    American Catholics, the Revolutions of 1848, and the Politics of the early 1850s.Adam L. Tate - 2022 - Catholic Social Science Review 27:39-56.
    American Catholics during the 1850s expressed deep concerns about the legacy of the 1848 revolutions in Europe, fearing that radicalism was spreading to the United States and would harm both the Church and the state. This paper explores the reception of Fr. Antonio Bresciani’s novel The Jew of Verona in the diocesan newspapers of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania and Charleston, South Carolina. Both papers reacted to the book in a similar fashion and used it as a lens to understand domestic politics. (...)
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